Insights from researching ideas about the future
Preparing for Federal Policy Shifts in the CTE Ecosystem
Advancing Educational Pathway Maps in CTE and ProfTech
Focusing educational programs on climate crisis
6 ideas for inquiry in K12 CTE
5 Focal Areas for CTE & Prof-Tech Advisory Committees
10 Questions about your Prof-Tech Program
Five Desired State Outcomes for a K12 CTE Program
Emerging themes from a K12 Stakeholder Assessment
Distinctions Between K12 CTE and Academic Education
Seeking CTE Alignment in Washington State
Variance between CLNA perspectives: K12 & CTC
Five Regional Actions to Enhance CTE Programs
The Competency of Hopefulness
A brief explanation of "CTE Pathways"
A Mission-Driven Data Model for Community Colleges
Industry Engagement and CTE Success
Let's focus on employment impact
10 Ideas to Strengthen a CTE Program
Starting with the end in mind
We interviewed stakeholders and they asked the questions
Patch & fill those leaky buckets
Investigating the knowable unknowns
It's all about jobs
Re-engaging "paused" students
Vital signs of workforce education programs
Ideas to resolve a bottleneck in nurse education
Unlocking high school student interest in Prof-Tech programs
Educational pathways: Clear and present vulnerabilities
Does effective institutional identity require authentic institutional memory?
Broaden Data Sources for Program Review
Unconnected and Unvalued
Digital Equity Solutions Require Nuance
Stakeholder Data & Statewide Digital Equity Planning
Engaging Stakeholders for Digital Equity Plans
The AP Futures Textbook
Common-Threads from CLNA Interviews
Rural Communities Must Take Charge of Their Own Broadband Future
Achieving context in Statewide Digital Equity Plans
I'd rather be on a path than in a pipe
Envisioned change of workforce listening models
Spanning the Gap between Mission and Impact
A General Theory for Relevance and Responsiveness
A Glimpse at the New Normal
Integrated Screening in Learning and Health
Early Insights on Recovery
The Turbulence of Unbalanced Power
Key Factors for Viable Visions
Workforce Education Value Model
Catching a COVID Curveball
Evolving a Method
It Seems Easier to Reflect than to Project
Modeling a Group's Value
Why People Need Help Envisioning their Futures
The Future We Share with Others
I Can See My Future from Here!